Previous month:
September 2007
Next month:
November 2007

Fall, fall, fall...

It sure fFall_leaves_lgeels like Fall outside.  It is cool and the leaves are falling in our yard.  We only have a couple of trees, but our side yard catches the leaves from every tree in the neighborhood!  Not really!  There are enough leaves that when spring comes I fill several "contractor" bags full!  I think that is the thing I like least about Fall.  The thing I like best is that Spring will be here shortly!!! ;o)

I wanted to update you on Ilhan Yildiz.  He went in today for a procedure.  I think it is called a balloon pump.  It is something they needed to do.  Now, they wait for a heart donor.  It might be within 2 days, 2 weeks...maybe a month.  The sooner the better.  We need him on the road to recovery!

On organ donation.  It is never easy to lose a loved one, but it is such a beautiful gift to donate an organ to someone who can't live without it.  I am an organ donor, carry the card in my wallet.  (I know you would be pretty desperate to want my organs, but if you were desperate???)  ;o)

Pray for Fusun, Ilhan and the girls as they travel the transplant journey.  Pray for the perfect heart to give Ilhan's body the best match.  A reminder...Ilhan (transplant patients) can't be around fresh flowers!   

Find of the day is this Technology ruler...1186530635fullpic

Sick, sick, sick...

Lots of people are sick.  There is a virus going around so watch out for it.  Hide as fast as you can.  Wash your hands, wash your hands!  Cover your mouth and try not to breath...others air.  Stay in "your" space and don't enter someone elses space.  Take care, take cover!  Eat healthy and take your vitamins!  Now, do you feel better?  Take care!

Find of the day...this absolutely beautifully simple ring! At02_1

Sitting & waiting...

Sitting & waiting is not something I do easily.  Today, that is just what I did.  I sat while the carpet guys put down pad, then carpet.  What a boring, useless day for me.  I could think of a zillion things to do, but since today was the first day for the job I felt I should hang around.  Tomorrow, another day, same thing.  I think Wednesday, too.  Maybe Thursday!  Who knows???  I think this will be a "not get much accomplished" week.  BUT, I am getting the house cleaned room-by-room after they leave.  I'm tired, but, hey, it is well worth it!!!

Find of the day...this neat little kit for a Momergency that I saw over at swissmiss!  Buy it from the Motherhood link in the right sidebar.




Today during worship we looked at some "whoever" scriptures.  They are just too good to not share with you here.

"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven." (Matthew 10:32)

"Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10:39)

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." (John 3:36)

"All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away." (John 6:37)

"and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:26)

"The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life." (Revelation 22:17)

Whoever is ALL conclusive.  Like if you take that wonderful vacation and all the food you want is know!  Well, that is how God is. He is all the "food" you could ever want and "whoever" is invited to his table! 

There were 5 descriptions of "whoever" that Travis shared; whoever means...





Nothing is too big or too great for God to forgive!!!

I always have one prayer for those I love and that is that they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  I know what that is like and I know it is life!!!  I am who I am because of his love for me.  I am a "whoever"!!!


Find of the day is the really cool creamer sugar, all-in-one, for you tea or coffee drinkers!  Tf04a

Saturday in the life...

We went to the Tech game today.  Here is a shot of the "Tech Skyline"...pretty cool, huh?002_2 (click on it to enlarge)

So, that was our day...well, we did put labels on some flyers and help host a dinner this evening for friends.  (some really great people from FBC)

I want to tell you that you are special.  Have a great Sunday in Him!!!

Find of the day is this cute cap...C6ac969da9

Love it, love it!

This afternoon I organized my shoes with my find of the day!  011 Here are some of the shoes in their new containers that easily slide in and out and you can see through them!  I freed up a whole shelf area by using these.  They have all kinds of containers at this site and I am really loving mine.

Find of the day...Neat Containers!!! Shoe_and_boot_1_med


Today I tackled a greenhouse for our outdoor plants.  In the past I have stored them in the garage & storage shed or let them die.  I just hated having the mess and they took up all the garage space so...  I decided to construct a greenhouse, per say.  Here are my pictures. 


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Here are the plants to try and save...



the supplies & tools I used



I used 4 mil 20' x 25' clear plastic sheeting





using a 20' 1" PVC pipe, I started out taping with clear duct tape, then rolled for about 2 ft, then used ties.




Full sheet with top complete




Folded up end to the 15' mark and cut


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Here it is cut away...



and, here it is ready to secure to the 4 screws on the fence (10" from the top)




one end done...



I used a 15' piece of rebar, taped it to start the rolling (like on top) and rolled up about 2' and used ties to secure.  I used rebar because of the weight to hold it down.



Here is the rolled rebar edge.



Here is the finished project.  Inside the greenhouse is a metal shaded light with a 20 watt plant bulb secured and attached with an outdoor cord.




Here are the plants inside.




Find of the day is this site.  You can create your own Kleenex round...Personalized just for your needs!  Click on Kleenex in the right sidebar to start designing!!!

My bed...

Growing up, my brother and I shared a room.  His bed was on one side and mine was on the other.  Both were narrow twin beds.  Once my brother was gone (he is 7 years older) I got to move my bed to where his was and get a loveseat/sofa sleeper so friends could visit.  My mom still has both of these pieces.  I look back with fond memories of my room growing up.  I did not want for anything yet we were lower-middle class.  What we had was clean and as nice as it could be.  Now these pieces are priceless!!!


Find of the day is a site with "kids" rugs but they have some great ones that could be used for any age in any room...take a peek...Yhst83532116742892_1971_10461122 here is just one!

Work, work, work...whistle while you...

Today I cleaned out our storage area, hung new tarping inside, rearranged, put all the patio seating cushions in their bags for the winter and gathered all the plants to get them ready for a green house I'm going to make.  We'll see how that goes.  To say the least, I'm pooped!  I think I'll call it a blog-day and just chill!

Find of the day...ever wanted a beard???Imgh_66matt_hankiehover Here is a bearded bandana.  Scare your mamma with this one ;o)

Behind one's back...

Behind one`s back is to do something when one is absent or without one's knowledge, secretly!!!

"A good friend stabs you in the front" - Oscar Wilde

"The greatest friend of Truth is time, her greatest enemy is Prejudice, and her constant companion Humility."  Charles Caleb Colton

"I take it as a compliment that you take the time to talk about me behind my back".  phyllis wall

"People have to talk about something just to keep their good voice boxes in working order, so they'll have good voice boxes in case there's ever anything really meaningful to say."  Kurt Vonnegut

Only cowards talk behind one's back...

One should not say things about others, if they can't say it to their face...

The old adage that burning ears mean someone is talking behind one's back is because of how badly it hurts.

"None are so fond of secrets as those who do not mean to keep them."  Charles Caleb Colton

"Men are born with two eyes, but only one tongue, in order that they should see twice as much as they say."   Charles Caleb Colton

and I "say" all this to say, I'm not sure how I can be nicer, kinder, friendlier, or whatever it is you want me to be.  I can never be all you want because, just as I would think I was would change the rules!  I learned along time ago that pleasing God would be my focus.  I told a friend today that my worthiness comes from God.  I believe that with all that is within me! If I didn't rely on him, I would be torn apart by unkind words, take things too personally and not ever get anything accomplished.  But, you know what?  I am here for a purpose and so are you.  Our purpose is sharing the love of Jesus.  I tend to do this best one-to-one.  I think if you know me you know that.  I want us to be careful with our words, they are so painful.  I have been hurt recently by some that I respected and now I am working through to forgiveness.  It is me, I'm the bad are perfect & right. If we think this way then we both will be defeated.


Find of the day are these dancing shoes for you and your little ones! Shoesforbabyandadults