I volunteer with the Hale County Historical Commission. My sweet friend, Ramona Roberts, left me a charge to take care of things related to our Hale County history before she entered her Heavenly home. I agreed, and so here we are—learning a new but old bit of information!
The Hale County Historical Commission's Mission Statement reads that the Hale County Historical Commission strives to protect and preserve Hale County's historic and prehistoric resources for the use, education, enjoyment, and economic benefit of present and future generations.
During Covid, the HCHC moved into its current location at 111 West 6th Street in Plainview, Texas. The current Commission has diligently worked to reorganize and set the HCHC firmly on the foundation that those before us created.
The HCHC will soon announce a new historical marker and hold a community celebration for it. The HCHC is also planning a Living History event during the Rotary Running Water Draw Arts and Crafts Show in October. The Commission has spent a lot of time in inventory mode and historical building data mode to ensure that what the HCHC has in its collection is documented.
From time to time, we receive items in the collection for safekeeping. We are always thrilled when people understand the trust placed in the Commission to secure and protect the items.
On Tuesday, the HCHC received a package with a beautiful old photo.

It would be such fun to sit and hear their stories.