One of the things I enjoy is visiting business owners in downtown Plainview. Simply said, they are each amazing in their own ways. Just like each business owner is uniquely different, so is the atmosphere of their businesses. When we take a moment to "learn" their style of customer service through getting to know them, we are blessed. Customer service is a two-way street. As consumers, we must remember that it isn't all about us; it is about getting to know the workers where we shop and building strong relationships with them because they, too, are human and have lives that are chaotic and filled with emotions; joyous and sometimes sad.
With this said, I want to share an example of how one business greats me, their style, always with enthusiasm. They are excited to see me. We laugh and cut up and have great visits. You would think I was their best customer, but I really believe they treat everyone the same way, with love and respect. The Masso family I consider precious friends, along with all of our downtown merchants.
There are so many shops around Plainview where I feel honored to be in their presence, though. Just great people that God surrounds me with day in and day out. If I could live anywhere in the world, I would pick Plainview, Texas, as my home. So glad God did it for me!!!