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Everyone talks about fact-checking. I came across this picture while looking for a totally different picture on an internet search...
Many years ago, a story about the drought was linked to a picture of me with peanut butter at the Broadway Brew coffee shop. Fact-checked. FALSE...there was a drought, but the Broadway Brew nor myself have anything to do with the story. TRUE, we DO love Plainview.
You never know how things are viewed and skewed.
Posted at 07:11 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Look for the broadcast today, 12/28/2020 @ 6 p.m.on KAMC/KLBK and upcoming in the Plainview Herald and other media outlets.
Today, we met up with some media outlets to broadcast our downtown gift to the community of Plainview, Texas. Yes, we have had a crazy year filled with a pandemic that has drawn the majority of our focus, but this year, we have been blessed, as well. We have had to think outside the box, step up our game, and as always, the community of Plainview has proven its steadfastness in finding success in overcoming obstacles.
Through a generous matching grant from the Plainview Area Endowment, an affiliate of the Community Foundation of West Texas, the first "tourism" mural is complete; WELCOME TO DOWNTOWN PLAINVIEW, by area artist Alfonso Garcia, is located at 6th and Ash on the Caprock Plumbing building. Mr. Garcia worked with the Plainview Downtown Association, Caprock Plumbing, and with the support of the City of Plainview Main Street, to deliver this New Year's gift to us all.
Mural artist, Alfonso Garcia.
On-site today, Melinda Brown, City of Plainview Main Street Director, Phyllis Wall, Plainview Downtown Association, and Mr. Garcia.
Posted at 04:55 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
McDonald's Trading post opened its doors in 1936. Doing the math for 2021, this will be 85 years in business! Here is a Plainview newspaper picture from the linked story below.
This is a picture of the main building of McDonald's Trading Post going into the year 2021.
Happy 85th Anniversary to a great historic business in Plainview!
Posted at 12:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
I purchased a jar of matchbooks @ 725 Vintage Co., hoping there might be some from Plainview, Texas. It was fun to look through them.
Look what was in the jar!!! Jackpot!
These are the ones from area towns.
The "historical" ones and the American Cancer Society, sewing kits, sunscreen, etc.
Motels, career, air, restaurants, foods, horoscope, general business.
There are over 100 additional matchbooks from Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and beyond!
Posted at 07:56 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Traveler 1947, the Wayland yearbook, was a great record of the times. It was a pleasure to look through and recognize so many names. Yes, I'm old. I'm going to embrace it and be thankful.
Wayland is the cherry to Plainview's pie. If you have not realized the partnership between the college, now university, and the community, please be aware that they are integral to our city.
Wayland Baptist University continues to educate military men and women.
The campus buildings in 1947.
Louise Hicks ... Miss Personality. I would love to have visited with her.
The Jackrabbit team, looking dapper, wouldn't you say?
Coach Harley Redin They soared and continue to impress; Wayland lady basketball! Flying Queens!!!
Pioneer basketball ... 1947.
This was before my time, but I love the name.
And, for me, a special advertiser. My grandfather, Hugh Robert Etter Electric and Refrigeration Service. He wired many of Plainview's business buildings. Always look for the board in the rafters signed by him with the year he wired it.
Posted at 12:09 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Finally, a long-awaited Bulldog dream is underway!
I ran into PISD Board member and friend, Amber Bass, and she shared the navy blue of our Scarlet Red and Navy Blue Bulldog school song & spirit is finally covering the Monterey & Frenship blues, two of Plainview biggest rivals through the years.
I am so excited. I drove by to witness this for myself...
It is true! Thank you, PISD!!!
Posted at 03:03 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)