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The September Brew Art Wall is up. The art is a partnership of artists. Phyllis Wall did the painting and local quilter, Susan Barkley, embellished the art. What a team!!!
See it at the Broadway Brew . Plainview, Texas.
Posted at 10:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
I absolutely love it when community members call to report another community member doing good things in our community. Marcia and Don Dixon walk, and in their walking, they have discovered your trash. Because of their good hearts and the desire to have a beautiful view of Plainview, they have been carting and picking up trash along the way. Not only are they beautifying Plainview, but by recycling, they are saving the world, as well.
This morning, Marcia was out beautifying. Like most people I encounter, she was not excited about having her picture made. It is essential for us all to see & know that there are those who care about our community and will step out and do what must be done, what is right. Thank you, Marcia & Don. We noticed!!!
We must remember not to litter. Keep a store bag in your car or truck for YOUR trash. It is a violation of the law to litter...remember to Keep Texas Beautiful (specifically Plainview, Texas).
I was in this parking lot this morning and saw the trash left. Business owners and homeowners, it is our responsibility to take care of our property from street gutter to half alley. This includes weeds and trash. It is a frustrating task to pick up another's trash. It is disrespectful to drop trash on another party's property. Let's all work together. So much good is happening in Plainview. Get involved.
When we walk, wear gloves and fill a couple of bags with "street-trash" to keep Plainview picked-up!
Share your picture of your participation on Facebook @ the I Live . (Lived) in Plainview group page.
Posted at 09:33 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Eaton-Craig Stationery is for sale. The business remains open and continues to provide quality office supplies, copies, and printing services.
I volunteered with Billie Eaton in the early 1980s through the Plainview Chamber of Commerce. She was a powerful businesswoman who supported her community.
Billie Bloom Eaton died on July 24, 2015, in Birmingham, Alabama. The daughter of Dr. Canute Gustavus Bloom and Lelan Monta Wheeler Bloom, she was born on Nov. 10, 1916, in Baird, Texas, at the home of her grandparents. She spent her early years in Thurber, Texas, where her father was the dentist for the Texas Coal Company. In 1920, her family moved to Lubbock, where her father established a dental practice. After his death in 1922, her mother moved her family back to Baird, where they lived for ten years. After returning to Lubbock in 1932, Mrs. Eaton graduated from Lubbock High School and Texas Tech College, where she received a BS degree in home economics with a concentration in clothing and textiles. Following her marriage on Christmas Day 1938 to Wilmot Eaton, she lived in Lubbock, where she ran a weaving project for the Works Progress Administration. When her husband, an instructor with the Civilian Pilot Training program at Breedlove Field during World War II, joined American Airlines as a pilot, the couple moved to Fort Worth. They returned to the South Plains in 1946 when they acquired Thatcher Printing Company, subsequently Eaton Stationery Company, in Plainview. Mrs. Eaton enjoyed several creative pursuits during her child-raising years: couture clothing design and construction, gardening, especially in her rose and bearded iris cutting gardens, and painting. During the 1970s, she and her husband traveled extensively, visiting countries around the world. Following Mr. Eaton's death in 1983, she moved to San Antonio, where she was involved with Christ Episcopal Church and continued to travel and garden. A devoted daughter, she cared for her mother, who lived with her until her mother's death at 103.
This is an obituary that is historically strong.
Posted at 10:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Main Street and the Plainview Downtown Association gathered this morning at the Fair Theater in downtown Plainview for their Quarterly Coffee. On tap was the presentation for phase one of the streetscape project. The streetscape project was approved by the voters through a bond package to improve the quality of life in Plainview. Phase one of the streetscape project is set to begin in October of 2020 with a ten-month completion turn-a-round. Phase one will include 5th to 8th Streets on Broadway with the east side being done first and then the west side of the blocks. More information on this project is available by contacted Main street Director, Melinda Brown @ 806-296-1119
About twenty downtown business representatives listen to Main Street Director, Melinda Brown, share about the streetscape project.
"Stress" bricks were available for attendees, along with encouragement to use creative marketing strategies throughout the construction phase.
Posted at 02:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
There is stuff happening downtown. It always makes me proud to see a business/building owner making sure their property downtown looks nice. We have a long way to go, but downtown is still moving forward and making progress.
Today, I thanked a man for taking care of the weeds on his property. I saw this building owner fixing things on his building ...
#downtownsocialdistancing ...
Downtown has buildings for sale/lease for retail or dining. #outonthedowntown
Posted at 09:14 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)