Pools of Plainview that I call "my" pools, the ones where I swam, plus a little on our existing pools that are open. Today is cloudy & rainy here, but it will clear off and get hot again. Go swim!!!
I remember swimming at the American Legion Pool a very few times. When I was a young child, I went there, but I can count the times on one hand. This pool was scary to me. It was dark, loud, tons of kids, holes between the shallow and deep that I knew I could get sucked through! LOL, Yes, you had to shower and walk through the chlorine foot pool before entering. The high dive seemed really high. There were lots of screams and fun had here by many kids!

Our family friend, my "baby sitter," Marie Anderson Tom, was a lifeguard at the American Legion Pool. She later was the lifeguard for the original Westridge Pool.

Our children enjoyed the Family Fun Park!

The Western Motel is where we had my birthday party each year when it wasn't a skating party.

The Plainview Country Club Pool ...the buildings were different in my day, and there was a high dive board, but the pool is the same sort of wonderful. Well worth a membership!!!

The YMCA pool is a great indoor pool. If you are a year 'round swimmer, this is the best option!!!

The Plainview Aquatics Center, scheduled to open fully for the summer of 2021, is expected to be a family fun spot in Plainview! Colors, equipment, etc. will vary from this concept picture, but it is going to be incredible!