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Pigeons are smarter than we give them credit for. They know that old glass is fragile and breaks easier than new glass. Have you ever had a Dove hit your window at home and leave angel wings on the window? We do very often, and it always scares me almost to death.
In historic downtown Plainview, we have a problem with Pigeons (much bigger than Dove) actually breaking and entering by busting the glass. They leave a mess once they get inside. We currently have two vacant buildings that we are aware of where the pigeons are coming and going and having a big party.
We need a Pigeon whisperer to call them far, far, away!
Posted at 09:03 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
A nice antique picture of, what is now, 6th and Broadway Streets. "Great Semi-Annual Slaughter 5-0 Discount on All Shirts" is what the sign reads. Pictured is the First National Bank and Richards Bros. & Collier building, and it looks like market day. The Donoho building sign can be seen behind the "Slaughter" sign.
Posted at 09:20 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
We have all heard the phrase, partners in crime, right? Well, we have a group that I have labeled as partners of downtown. This group is encouraging. They are happy. They volunteer. They run a business. They believe in downtown as the vital organ of the community, pumping life throughout Plainview.
Each fourth Tuesday, we gather to plan for a better Plainview via the downtown thoroughfare strategically. This morning 20+ key players were working to keep their business doors open, discussing how best to market the downtown area and provide Plainview a vibrant downtown shopping, services, dining, and social experience.
How can you help?
Melinda Brown, Special Projects Director for the City of Plainview, updates the Plainview Downtown Association on important upcoming events and changes.
Posted at 03:10 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
We recently had the Plainview Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting for the newly remodeled Goodwill store in Plainview. What impressed me most was this sign hanging at the register area.
Goodwill Industries of Northwest Texas was awarded Texas’ Small Employer of the Year by the Texas Workforce Commission at the 23rd Annual Texas Workforce Conference in Dallas.
Robin Raney, CEO of Goodwill Industries of Northwest Texas, explained that their mission is to create job opportunities for people with barriers to employment in our community.
She further explained that they employ individuals with barriers to employment and provide opportunities through training and on the job experience for them to master basic job skills.
Plainview is lucky to have the Goodwill organization. They are working towards Plainview becoming a training facility, as well.
Congratulations, Goodwill!
Stop in and see their new look!
Posted at 07:03 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Plainview has been blessed through the years with great physicians. It has been a joy to know most of them in one way or another.
I am honored to be serving on the Unger Memorial Library long-range planning committee with the son of Dr. John P. Andrews, optometrist. It has been fun to catch up a little bit.
Posted at 08:54 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
"Our years of experience working with women and girls has taught us that education is the key to unlocking economic empowerment of the world’s women and girls. When women and girls are educated, they have opportunity, choice and power to make healthy decisions for themselves and their families."
The Soroptimist Club in Plainview has been here for many years. Clinton's mom was a member and heavily involved in the Happy Feet program, one of several activities done through its members in Plainview.
I came across this picture of Peggy Wall's of the Plainview Soroptimist Club at a retreat from several years ago.
The Plainview Soroptimist group is getting ready to host their Wine Tasting, their annual fund-raising entity that helps educate local and area women. I bet someone still has tickets!~ contact any Soroptimist member.
Posted at 08:04 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)