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Here is a link that was written by Herald editor Doug McDonough that shares the history of the Hotel Ware.
Posted at 09:11 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
This blog is not about Plainview but about a Plainview girl who got to see some rose-colored mirror pieces from the Baker Hotel. The story goes that the lobby had rose-colored glass mirrors that smoothed the ladies faces, and they kept coming back for the legendary bath and spa treatments!
The Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells has begun a 65M makeover. The process will be aired, although the network has not been determined. The investors will recreate the luxury spa hotel, and it is set to open in 2023.
This will be wonderful to watch.
I do wish I could photograph this renovation artistically! I don't live in Mineral Wells, but I am very excited about what this will do for their community.
In their little advertising book, they share that when you feel like this...
The Baker Hotel baths and spa will allow you to leave feeling like this!!!
They provided these services...
Posted at 09:17 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
I don't take negative comments lightly; I listen, I weigh. I set a plan of action with real and achievable goals that will support and create the change needed. The time table is different for each area of my involvement.
I love positive comments, visionary minds, unselfish souls, and those who weigh things themselves.
It is within education that we find the information necessary to consider. I most often find that those who make a negative comment do it without them knowing the whole truth. Anyone can share a snippet, but we all deserve the entire picture.
When I hear someone say that young people are moving out of our community, my first response is that I know of young people moving in; young families who are looking for the quality of life we offer.
When I hear someone say that downtown is dead, my first response is I know it is not. New businesses are moving into downtown, and we have people waiting for buildings to be brought up to code to be leased or sold.
When I hear people talking about our schools being "okay," my first response is "okay" is not the type of education we strive for in Plainview.
Let me ask you this question, do you still use the very first phone you had? Was it the big bulky bag phone? Do you still watch that box TV or view your work on a box computer monitor? How about that car? Are you still driving your first car? Although many of us wish we still had our first car, it would not be my preference for everyday driving.
"Don't let the Grackles sit too long in your tree or you'll have a mess to clean" reminds us that if we don't keep improving, growing, learning, and listening, we will become stagnant...and we know there are vultures waiting.
We must understand good people are working across our community to bring together the pieces from the quality of life, infrastructure, economic gain, and education sectors to attract others to move here, do business here, play here and educate themselves and their families here. Each of these areas is important, and we can't take them lightly.
Here are three businesses that have taken steps to show that they appreciate the community through the care of their businesses by updating paint, signage, infrastructure, etc. (and they are not downtown businesses :) A little goes a long way to say we love Plainview.
Posted at 04:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 04:30 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Posted at 09:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
This evening the Plainview Area Endowment presented over 31,000.00 to grantees for their non-profit agency.
President, Mark Warren gives an overview of the Plainview Area Endowment's work and a welcome to grantees.
Those receiving grants this season are W.J. Mangold Memorial Hospital of Lockney for a critical equipment part for their endoscopy & colonoscopy testing.
Wayland Baptist University's Museum of the Llano Estacado and Jimmy Dean Museum will use their grant for processing historical gifts to the museum.
Plainview Independent School District nurses are excited to get a new eye testing device that allows students more classroom time.
Central Plains Center's Reed Adolescent Center will use their grant monies to update the residential addiction center's kitchen.
Paws of Plainview pets will have new transporting kennels.
The Plainview-Hale County Economic Development Corporation will plug Plainview and Hale County to prospective industries through a new mailer that when opened, plays the EDC video of the best of our area with their grant monies.
The Plainview Downtown Association will kick off their buildings mural advertising initiative, to enhance the art-districts pieces, that help identify and define the downtown area and bring tourism to the community.
A really great day of giving back! Remember, Giving Tuesday is Tuesday, December 3rd, in Plainview and this is our opportunity to give to help others. Look for the Plainview Area Foundation at your local United and Amigos on December 3, 2019!!!
Posted at 08:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
It is my dream to have a Plainview Vintage Museum. We have collected many pieces of fun memorabilia that we think everyone who grew up in Plainview will enjoy. New things get added all of the time.
This past week, long-time friend, Beverly Alvis, who holds estate sales, sent by way of Neysa Carmichael, an advertising pocket knife from Henry Heck Gin and a family quilt made by Grace Heck.
Our vision needs a downtown location. One day we will see this Plainview Vintage Museum accomplished!!!
Posted at 09:18 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Plainview Downtown Association received the Keep Plainview Beautiful Recycling Award for the month.
Pictured L to R: Ranada Jack, Tori Huddleston, Phyllis Wall, and Leona Robbins.
The Plainview Downtown Association began promoting Plainview’s downtown in 1958, sixty-one years of a dedicated community vision for the significant impact that a progressive downtown has on its community.
The Plainview Downtown Association is a non-profit membership organization designed to foster, promote, maintain and encourage the civic, social, commercial and industrial welfare of the downtown district of Plainview, Texas.
Our purpose is to promote Downtown Plainview as the heart of our community, strengthen its economic viability by encouraging growth and diversity among businesses.
The efforts of the Plainview Downtown Association are coordinated by a volunteer Board of Directors, business owners, residents, and community leaders.
The primary purpose of the PDA is to enhance the prosperity of the businesses located in our historic downtown district.
The way we determine to achieve this objective is through the combined efforts of our organization, city officials, current business owners, prospective business owners, residents, consumers, and others who share the vision to see our Downtown thrive.
Membership in the Plainview Downtown Association provides the business owners, groups, and individuals, with a common forum, to communicate vision and partner to create the prosperity desired for Downtown Plainview.
The Plainview Downtown Association meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. in the Brew Library.
Posted at 03:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)