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This evening about 50 individuals attended the session at Covenant Health Plainview on the symptoms of a stroke.
We learned the acronym BEFAST.
We witnessed the telestroke technological device at work. We heard from nurses and doctors on the importance of lifestyle changes to prevent a stroke.
Well worth the time!
Posted at 07:26 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 04:57 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
When I think about Plainview and all it offers, I always go back to the future that we are entrusted to provide for the students who go to school here. I ask myself, have we failed to provide facilities worthy of equitable education? We want them to learn here, play here, stay here, and grow their families here. We desire to have Plainview be generationally successful. We also want to be able to attract those who are thinking about making a move here. As much as we might like to believe that appearance and extra opportunities don't matter, they are an integral part of the decision making process. I can't tell you how many times we have heard that it was the schools that prevented our move there. We love the people but...
Today, I enjoyed the PISD presentation of what has been a year-long process of gaining information and education on the future of our district as we, a community, educate our future leaders. Through the process, several hundred from the community listened to data, research, formulations, needs, plans, and determined that we support our district in the vision presented.
PISD has a new logo which excites me because how we brand reflects our purpose, our vision.
I can't tell you how much I love this new logo. The flame represents higher education. Higher education has so many variables. We should always search for higher education, and in this, every path will be woven differently towards success. The circle represents a holistic approach. Holistic is defined as being characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole. We are ONE community. We don't have the city without the medical without the county without the downtown without small business without industry without the Chamber without our schools. We are working together to create the ONE place we all want to live, and others will want to live. It is about quality of life. Quality includes education. Our community is about partnerships; in thoughts, ideas, communication, and vision.
Just an FYI that I think is another followed through thought with the district's logo...
Angry Red, Bulldog Blue, and Spike Gray are our official colors!
What we saw today were the final renderings that have been determined throughout this process. There are data and statistics and serious thought into the end result. We are invited to attend the school board meeting on Thursday, August 8th, at 6 PM to hear the complete story as it is presented to the school board. Please, attend so that we can speak to the bond election and be prepared to vote favorably for our community.
It is proposed that we will have three elementary schools, La Mesa, Thunderbird, and College Hill, an Intermediate School, Coronado, and a Middle School, Estacado. The three elementary campuses will be much larger. Coronado will be a fifth and sixth-grade campus, and Estacado will be a seventh and eighth-grade campus. Each elementary campus will have a pre-k program. Continuity throughout the campuses and equality in services and function has been a priority. Everything has been studied that brings us to this place.
This is the rendering of La Mesa.
This is the rendering of Thunderbird. The teachers, staff, and administration determined the feasibility of needs for each campus along with Parkhill Smith & Cooper, Architects & Engineers.
Here is the rendering of College Hill. The campus will be facing the west.
Coronado will become an intermediate campus for fifth and sixth graders with significant improvements.
Estacado will be a middle school for seventh and eighth graders with essential changes.
I know that reading this and seeing the pictures has brought you to many questions. One of which will be, how much will this plan raise my taxes. There is a formula for determining your specific increase by the price of the home in which you live. The example they start with for a "visual" is on the house with a value of 100,000.00 less 25,000.00 so taxable at 75,000.00 at .27 would be 16.00 a month. There was a discussion as well that HB3 is lowering taxes so this would create the result of a barely noticeable increase. It is a good time to move forward with the vision and make it a reality.
Now, all of this to say, please, attend the school board meeting to hear it from the mouths of those who know the answers to your questions. Life is good. The Mighty, Mighty, Bulldogs are blessed. Our kids are worthy and deserve the best. It is our responsibility to provide the tools for our teachers to use within safe and technologically advanced facilities.
Posted at 03:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Y'all, Downtown Plainview is going on. The Plainview Downtown Association is a building and business owner non-profit organization that believes downtown is the heart of the community. When the heart is cared for it pumps life into the community as a whole.
I want to share the business members & community volunteers who are working to create a better downtown, who have caught the vision, are doing their part, who contribute to the membership of PDA because they love and believe in our center-city...Downtown Plainview...
725 Vintage Co.
Accolade Health Care
All-Star Fuel
Broadway Brew
Broadway Gifts & Antiques
Broadway Treasures/Crisis Center
Brooks Batting Cage
C C’s Junque to Antiques
Carlito’s Mexican Restaurant
Centennial Bank
Chippy Pickins
City of Plainview
Conrad Lofts
Contemporary Art Museum Plainview (CAMP)
Diana’s Traveling Boutique Store
Dodson Insurance Agency
Dulaney's Auto Parts
Economic Development Corporation
Furniture Décor & More
Hale County
Hale County Teachers FCU
Hale County Abstract & Title Company
Happy State Bank
Haven Gifts Home Bridal
Heart's Desire
Hello Baby Apparel
High Plains Concrete
Horton Antiques
IIAPTX - a Higginbotham Company
Investment Center of Plainview
It’s a girl thing
Jimmy Dean Museum @ WBU
Laney & Bollinger
Main Street/CVB/Fair Theatre
Plainview Antiques
Plainview Chamber of Commerce
Plainview Masonic Lodge 709
Prosperity Bank
Rogers, Cross, Hanby & Co., LLC
Salvation Army
Taryn Minter Attorney at Law
The Radiant Lily
The Rusty Rose
Turpen Insurance
Vista Bank
Wagon Yard
Warrick Properties
West Texas Clinic of Chiropractic
Xcel Energy
Diane Book
Bill Eaves
Beth Finley
Coy Holley
Ranada Jack
Cody Lindeman
Diane L Martinez
Jeanie Pennell
Nora Ramos
Leona Robbins
Dora Sifuentes
John Skaggs
Phyllis Wall
Debbi Wilkins
In the next two years, you will begin to see a change in the way downtown looks. The streetscape will blow your mind! In five years, we hope you will see a significant increase in building renovations, mural art, new business, and a more visitor-friendly area. Everyone is invited to get on board. Business memberships are 100.00 per year, and community volunteers (no business connection) are 25.00. You may mail your payment to PDA, Box 1173, Plainview, Texas, 79073.
Posted at 11:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)