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The new Cricket (ATT) store is opening. It is located in the same location as the Baskin-Robbins and later Plateau, 5th and Ennis Streets, northwest corner.
Do you remember Plainview's Baskin-Robbins? Yum. I wish we had an ice cream or gelato location. Maybe soon! Hoping someone takes my hint!
The Cricket employees are making it shine for Plainview! Stop by and check out what they offer.
Posted at 03:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Home Formulary was given out to Wyckoff-Willis Drug Co., Drugs and Jewelry, Plainview, Texas customers. What a treasure to acquire this book.
Its cost was $5.00 and for that time in history that was quite expensive!
Although the book cost was so expensive, the formulas were from .15 to .50 cents. It is Copyrighted MDCCCC.
Here are the formulas included...
I enjoy learning more about how things were treated in the early days.
For wrinkles: Tannin, Glycerine, Rose Water. Apply with camel's hair brush. If you see signs of wrinkles on your face, begin this treatment at once, for they are difficult to remove after getting set.
Boy, do I know that to be true!
The Wyckoff-Willis Drug was located in the Wayland Block.
Posted at 05:33 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 12:50 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
I remember walking the street of Broadway and Ash as a child growing up in Plainview, Texas. I remember walking in the door of F.W. Woolworth's and smelling the smell of freshly swept wood floors.
I don't remember shopping there often. I do remember us grands going together and buying our grandfather an alligator. That's right. They sold baby alligators! I've shared this before, but I laugh as I think about how surprised my grandmother was and how our grandfather got the old metal tub out and we all sat around in the backyard and watched it swim, climb on the rock he placed in there, and snap my grandmother's pencils in half.
Here is an early F.W. Woolworth menu.
Posted at 11:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
If you asked me what Plainview is all about, I would tell you that it is in the hands & hearts of its people. EVERY day, every day, I witness goodness flow throughout our community.
On Monday, a teacher discovered a student whose family had found themselves in crisis mode, no power, water and the gas was set to be turned off. This teacher found out the needed information and kicked it out of the ballpark to help this family, particularly, her student. This student is finding success in education, and by Plainview, she will succeed!!! Thank you to all the hands and hearts that helped make a difference for this young person and ultimately their family!
Do you remember that the Plainview Police Department had a raffle to raise funds to help buy Christmas for the Rainbow Room/CPS kids? Well, they did, and we won the Yeti cooler. It is Christmas, and our police department does way more than most realize for our community so, why not give back? It was fun to reverse the gift.
And the winner was...Dispatcher Borchardt!!! Congratulations!!! And, thank you to all of the Plainview Police Department staff for keeping the dots connected there!
Each year, the Elk's Lodge 1175, Plainview's other finest, partners with the Plainview Police Department and other Plainview hands & hearts to purchase, wrap, and deliver Christmas gifts and meal to the Rainbow Room/CPS children. It is a love-filled process!
Surely, we are blessed, and these angels are being watched over by the angels of Plainview! There are many other stories, just like these. Merry Christmas, Plainview elves, and angels!!!
There is a photo album on the Facebook page, I Live (Lived) in Plainview.
Posted at 11:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)