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Posted at 06:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 08:49 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
I was out at Panhandle Popcorn on the west I27 access road, to get our popcorn treats, and I saw an elf, not on the shelf, but taking things from the shelf to send out to customers from all over the country.
Elf, Jim Mock, filling orders!
So thankful for this Plainview claim to fame! Panhandle Popcorn.
Posted at 12:07 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
This is the place. Red's Phillip 66 on 5th and Yonkers. I started working there at age11 and until I was 19. I got to meet lots of parents of the kids I knew! Did not matter how much gas you wanted, we cleaned the glass, checked the tire pressure and checked the oil! Ethyl was about 20 cents, sometimes cheaper, than regular. It was like a gas war that the Independents started! Premium was at least a nickel more! Saturdays we would wash about 20 cars, do oil changes, flats, and I liked to stay in the wash rack in the summer to stay cool! At 5 pm we would finish the last cars and then I would pull my '57 in and get it all cleaned up for my date! I learned so much while there. And sometimes I liked my Dad! Pleasing Your Customer was Priority 1, and we accomplished that and more. Just before I got married in Jan 1972, the Phillips jobber in Plainview asked if I wanted to own the station myself and I said, No! I saw at the time how much work he put into his business that supported his family the hours and the sports he missed while Ken and I played ball! He was a great provider, and we wanted for nothing, but we also had to work for those things! Making payments on our cars and the upkeep was on us, as well as the gas! I, we took that with us thru life. Dad treated Ken and me like employees cause we were paid the same rate as the other adults that worked there! $2.00 an hour and expected more from us, too! I could not have asked for a better 1st job! Thanks Dad for showing us the right way to do things. You did know Best! Red Thompson, I Love you to the moon and back!
I am hoping that someone might recognize one of these gentlemen. On the far left is the transport driver, next is Robert, then Lee and dad! If you know one of them and their contact information, please let me know!
I think this picture was taken at some point in the Spring of 1962. He was the Owner from January 1962-January 1972!
Written by Red's son, Mike Thompson. What a fun memory!
Posted at 09:57 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 08:06 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Yes, it is Christmastime in the city. As much as I don't enjoy the overstimulation that retail places on this day, and how early it starts, I do get that it isn't going to be changed to meet my satisfaction.
These trees came in at Walmart!
Today we got the Panhandle Popcorn Christmas catalog. YUM! I for sure need to get out there and get ours bought!!!
The Crime Stoppers footballs came in for the Plainview Chamber of Commerce's Christmas Parade of Lights. The parade is set for Thursday, December 1, 2016, with a 6:30 start time. I hope everyone will participate and go all out with lighting their floats!
The footballs are glow in the dark. Crime Stoppers, along with the Plainview Police Department will be at the end of the parade so, hang around for them.
Oh, don't forget the Main Street 12 Days of Christmas!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...everywhere I go!!!
Posted at 08:37 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
This could be anywhere USA, but today it was in Plainview, Texas.
Note: No laws were broken with me going through town to get ahead of the train to get this video!
Posted at 04:49 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Today, Thursday, November 16, 2016, is the kick-off day for the Salvation Army's bell ringing and red kettle filling season.
It is the time of year where giving just a little brings big returns in the lives of our fellow man.
America has been giving a Happy Christmas through the Salvation Army for over 100 years. We can find red kettles in every community and now, we can even create an online kettle to pass around the office or in our community. Red Kettle Reason
We can also help by being shoppers for the "angels" from the Salvation Army Christmas trees. Look for them in stores. There are always different organizations with trees for needs. Be sure, if you want to help a Salvation Army Angel, that you check the tree for identity.
Posted at 10:46 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)