This evening, Rodney Watson, of the Llano Estacado Museum, presented a program to the Hale County Historical Commission on the Jimmy Dean Museum, from the start to the finish and beyond.

It was fascinating to hear the magnitude of this project and how they got from A to Z. It has been fun to drive by the location and watch it go up. It is very impressive to look at even though there is more to do to get to the "Z."

After the presentation, we did a walk through the actual museum and Rodney led us through his vision of where everything would be and the function of each area and display. I can tell you, Plainview, Texas, that this is one of the very best gifts our community has ever received. A huge thank you to the Dean's for their giving spirit. Plainview and Wayland are blessed.
I do believe you are going to be very impressed! It is seriously GREAT!
Here is Rodney telling us about ... something really fun and special.
You will have to see it for yourself come September or October of 2016. It WILL be worth your time.

If you are interested in Plainview, its history, and preserving it, then we need you to become a member of the HCHC (Hale County Historical Commission). Give Rodney a shout out at the museum if you are interested.