We are getting a new & improved McDonald's building. It is going up in the same location. Well, next door to the current location. The new sign base is being readied for the double arches!
Today I pulled up to Java the Hut's window for my regular there. I love their new menu board!!! I especially love the different "types" of beverages defined area.
Plainview has many wonderful bird-watching opportunities. We just need to take the time to sit still and enjoy them.
We enjoy Sparrows, Finches, Dove, Blue Jays, Robins, and Cardinals in our yards.
Mr. Cardinal came with his bright red coat to our yard after my mother passed away. We have had some wonderful moments together. The next year, he brought Mrs. Cardinal. This year they have built a nest and we will get to enjoy Zoe and/or Bo soon.
This is what Mr. Cardinal sees when he comes to perch on the vintage metal hose winder that is stuck down into this plant. The scene is reflected in the glass.
He sure makes a mess on the window with his dirty feet.
This goes on about every hour, all day long. Silly Mr. Cardinal. It is hard work protecting Mrs. Cardinal and the babies!
Here is how Mr. Cardinal reacts every timehe lands there.
We have a wonderful little collection of old Plainview, Texas postcards. I need to get them to Rodney at the Llano Estacado Museum so you can view them all. I'll work on that. Until then, let me share this one of the First National Bank. I love when they are penned.
It is penned:
We got here all right. Am going right out to the farm. They had rain here. It is cool and windy. Write soon. Myrt
Plainview is covered in kids today. There are bus loads of them all around town. It must be another testing day. On testing days the students who aren't testing get to leave the school for fun and to help the campuses remain a quiet place for testing.