Well, I'm three-for-three! When you read the definition for hometown, Plainview would be mine under all three definitions. Hometown: the city or town where one was born, or grew up; also: a place of one's principal residence. I was born in Plainview, Texas. I grew up in Plainview, and I still reside in Plainview.
Many people look at this and think, poor thing. Others remember the good life fondly that Plainview offered them as a child and teen. Some are glad they moved away, and others wish they could move back home.
Home is where we make it, really. I tend to think that Plainview has provided us a wonderful life. When I think about living somewhere else, I must say that I can think of lots of fun places I/we have visited, but none that calls me to a desire to live there long term.
I once said that if I were independently wealthy I would live in New York City because they are open all night & I'm such a late night/early morning person. Of course, I would never want to live way up on the upper floor of any building. Then, I have a dream of designing our beach house. Of course, I have a fear of large bodies of water so...I'm pretty sure I would not sleep at all to those beautiful waves hitting the shore. The mountains and snow are so pretty to look at and the trees all around...yup, those trees sure block the sky and I don't like the cold for long. A cool adobe house in the desert sure is nice to visit, but then there is that heat to face each day.
All of these places are perfect for those who love them. I just happen to love the four seasons. I love just enough trees to have shade and still see the sky. I love the flat land where we can see for miles and miles. I love the surprise of the canyons and the beauty of them. I even like the circular field art provided by our farmers. I like my hometown.