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Posted at 09:54 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
What awesome people who offered our community the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of a woman in need of a mammogram.
I stopped by the Plainview-Hale County Health Department and made our $75.00 donation to the Covenant Hospital endeavor. I bet you can mail your donation to Covenant Hospital, 2601 Dimmitt Road, Plainview, Texas, 79072. Just make a note on your check on the memo line that says 'mammogram for a friend' or some such phrase.
Thank you Covenant Hospital/Health Care and Plainview-Hale County Health Department for reaching out. We can make a difference!!!
Posted at 02:21 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
In the year 2010, I had a conversation with a couple of young men in our community about their dream of a skate park. Several days later, maybe a week later, I was startled awake. God said, "The time is now to go forward with the skate park."
The skate park dream was not a new one to Plainview. I knew it had been attempted before, as early as the year 1999 and had, for different reasons, not been able to move forward. As I laid there thinking about what God had just told me I asked him, "Are you sure you want me?" I had an extreme peace about what to do. Follow. Thus, the Vision Skatepark Plainview journey began. I became the liaison for the VSP group and the city process.
Insert here many, many months of planning, starting, stopping...roller coaster ups & downs, always with the sustenance of excitement filled eyes and hearts of passion for their sport of skateboarding, roller skating, and bicycling ...
Fast forward now to October 28, 2014. The Plainview City Council has on its agenda the action item of building a skate park. The young people are encouraged to attend.
Here is a before the council meeting started picture. Many others were present that are not pictured.
The Down N Derby team came in support, as well.
The meeting started and it came to the place on the agenda to present the information to the council. The mayor asked the city manager to give the council the information to consider. This is when I began to witness the beautiful unfolding of God's plan.
The mayor asked for public comment once the presentation was made. I stood outside council chambers in awe as those young & young at heart stood and spoke their passion for the skate park. As each person addressed the council and said where they lived, it seemed as if God hand picked their location to show that every area of town and even other cities were represented.
Now, there were several adults, community supporters, that spoke their reasons they were asking for council support and there were those there who did not stand up and speak, but their presence was essential to the outcome.
The young people who stood and spoke just blew me away with their passion along with a respect and mature consideration of the environment in which they stood. These were, for the most part, teenagers opening their hearts with words that were needed to help the council see the vision.
I have prayed all along that God would provide me peace regardless of what the city council vote would be. I knew it was His plan. I was just a vessel. Still, I did not think I could bear the disappointment on the young people's faces if they voted to not move forward with the project. I've become a little attached by heartstrings with them.
I wonder why I doubted? It was His vision that awoke me nearly 5 years ago and it has been his all along. What a beautiful unfolding. I could not be happier for our community.
Vision Skate Park Plainview is NOW Plainview Community Skate Park.
I stand amazed.
Posted at 11:59 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)
Tonight, Tuesday, October 28th, at the Plainview City Council meeting, it will be decided if the Vision Skate Park Plainview will become a reality into the Plainview Community Skate Park to include a creative performance venue. The meeting will begin at 7 pm in council chambers @ Plainview City Hall, 9th & Broadway Streets. Come in support of our youth and creating diverse opportunities for Plainview's future development.
Posted at 11:47 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Things are still hopping in Plainview and the area tonight. They are looking for the inmate that escaped from our local prison. He was on a trustee job site.
We got done with bowling early so I treated myself to a Brew drink. I think it was shift change. People were coming in and going out and the dogs were howling ready to search.
There are still many law enforcement officers out watching over our community and searching. I pray that the man is found and no one is injured in the process.
Posted at 09:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
I understand that money can be the root of evil. I understand that we must have money to live. I believe that we must give money to needs regardless of how little or how much money we have. I believe that in visionary planning we most often have to spend money to make money. Sometimes we must step out in faith to develop something wonderful. Opportunities of wonderful don't come along often. We must be prepared; pro-active instead of reactive.
What fun something like this would be for our downtown area for the fall months through the New Year. Let's plan horse & buggy rides, too. Anyone?
To do costs money! To bring people to happiness...money (and time) well spent!!! It's in the giving!!!
Posted at 09:31 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Plainview Business and Professional Women's Club program found at the Hilton.
My great aunt, Carrie Bonner, is just one of the names I recognize in this very early women's civic club.
Early hotel stationery used to write the piano music on to be played.
Just fun to look through these pieces of history.
Posted at 12:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
This morning as I was driving down 8th Street, I saw a sign for an estate sale, so I stopped. Come to find out my dear friends, Rick, Kathy, and Cindy were puttin' on the shindig. I always love seeing them!
I spent .50 on a fun little nuthin' piece. I got a good laugh out of an art piece AND I got to see a bunny eating on a veggie tray...literally!
Posted at 04:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Starting next week, the Fieldhouse, as we know it, will be forever changed...except for the food. This is a good thing. We all know that Richard is retiring and the Fieldhouse Sandwich Shop has new owners. This is awesome for us. We know that often times businesses just close with retirement but, not this one. It's new owners will be sure to create the same nostalgic food with an updated environment for our dining pleasure. The restaurant will be closed for a week or so to remodel & then bang, back open for us to continue to enjoy. Boy are we thankful!
I want to thank Richard & Linda Watson for serving Plainview great bread, sandwiches, potatoes, etc. since our kids were infants. That's lots of years! It is a place that we have always considered an extension to our kitchen.
We look forward to more dining experiences in the days, months, and years to come!!!
Posted at 03:12 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)