It doesn't matter where you live; littering is UNEXCEPTABLE!!! STOP it!

It is time to learn that having pride in one's community starts with ONE. This one is you or me. If we want Plainview to grow with new families filling the 'For Sale' homes and new businesses to come in then it will be up to us to create a neat & tidy marketable community.
I hate to inform us of this, but it isn't the City of Plainview's job to create this for us. All they can do is try & enforce the code breakers. It is up to us as to what WE want and if, in fact, we want a community that is 'alive' then we must stop killing it!
Pick up the "trashy" furniture and the vinyl swimming pools out of the front yards. Mow the grass, weeds, edge, and DON'T blow it in the street to end up clogging the city drains!
Move your boats, motorhomes, and extra vehicles to a storage area as the city code directs.
Rental property owners; you are just that...home owners. Be sure your properties are in line with the vision of the city and its people. You are a business, as well, so you are doubly rewarded with the pride factor.
Business owners, refresh your signs with readable information, keep your areas, mowed, and the weeds down; including the gutters & corner sections. Participate in community organizations, events, and use the resources available through the Plainview Chamber of Commerce, Main Street, the Hale County economic Development Corporation, and the City of Plainview.
Whatever little things we can do will accumulate into a big difference. Each of us working together towards an exceptional community will only come if we take action. Start at 'home' and get that in order first. Then, as you see areas of concern, please inform the City of Plainview before it gets too far out of hand.
Together we can!
I saw this Hare this morning and it reminded me of the old story we have all heard...The Tortoise & the Hare. I thought I would share this new version. It is one of my favorites!

and now for