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This morning I was honored to attend a breakfast with leadership from Plainview ISD and the community. I will call it a "cheerleader refresher course." A cheerleader is an enthusiastic and vocal supporter. Our community and how we interact with our school system is a direct reflection of our community and attracting businesses here.
We must maintain the vision of, Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself... John Dewey.
In order for us to accomplish this we must form positive and long lasting relationships with our students and educators. Being a "cheerleader" is about encouraging our students and our educators. As my mother always told me, "You can get much further in a relationship with someone with honey instead of vinegar."
When we each find ourselves at a place in our hearts where we can see value in every person, in poverty and in wealth, then we can begin to see a brighter tomorrow for our community. I see real growth in sincere and loving relationships in our leadership across the community and we can continue to build on this foundation.
I want to encourage you to visit each campus in our community. Meet the principal and the staff. Sit in on an educators lesson and be amazed. Imagine doing what they are doing...providing life itself to our children. I believe we will gain a new appreciation for educators through the knowledge we gain in this process.
Thank you to each educator and your countless hours in creating a district where life relationships are encouraged so that every student will have a desire in their hearts & minds to learn. Thank you for making a difference. We will be who we believe we are!
Thank you to our speakers this morning: Greg Brown, Sharon Wright, Dr. Rocky Kirk, Brandon Brownlee, and Susan Hurt.
Posted at 10:07 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
I picked up our copy of the Hale County, Texas Bibliography today. It is a huge resource to our little neck of the woods compiled by John Sigwald, Librarian of Unger Memorial Library, Plainview, Texas.
A Plainview sized thank you to John and the UML-staff for their diligence in getting this book compiled! It is "heavy" on everything Hale County!!! Here staffer, Donna Waugh, gives me our copy.
Stop by Unger Memorial Library and check availability.
Posted at 03:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
This morning in church we heard some Texas facts. Since I'm always posting "Who Knew?" posts on Facebook, I thought I would share what I learned...
Who Knew?
There are approximately 28 million people living in Texas.
Texas is expected to gain about 550 thousand new dwellers each year.
There are 200 languages spoken in Texas.
4 million California residents have migrated to Texas in the last few years.
The most culturally diverse city in the nation is...Houston, Texas.
In the next twenty years, 31 million residents will live in 3 Texas cities; Dallas/Ft. Worth [10 million], Houston [11 million], and Austin/San Antonio [10 million].
P.S. In 2014 there are 143 religions in Texas. 55% say they belong to a religion. (which leads us to know that 45% are spiritually dead.)
(Dr. David Hardage, Executice Director of the BGCT-Baptist General Convention of Texas)
Posted at 05:26 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Well, Plainview does it again. Another hugely successful KCBD Community Coverage Tour. Thank you to Sarah Castillo, Main Street Plainview, coordinator, and everyone who participated!!!
Along with this fun time we had an ARTWALK PLAINVIEW and our first CHALK Walk Art Contest. We had Rigo Rey and Angel Azua create beautiful demonstration pieces on the corners of 6th & Broadway Streets.
Then the contest along west Broadway Street between 5th & 6th Street was so fun. It is evident that Plainview has many awesome artists, young & old!
Sally Gubser and Logan Adair created a demonstration piece for our community photo ... for those who braved the picture! Thanks to Bill Coleman, Hale County Judge, for the access to the building top and to, Chris Hanoch, for shooting the picture!
The Hilton sure looks nice, too! Here is a shot of Robyn Barrett, artist, Ranada Jack, project manager, Gayle and Blair Willson, of Plainview Downtown Restoration, a private entity interested in our downtown.
Posted at 10:25 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Here is a little "tease" of a piece from one of the murals that artist, Robyn Barrett, is creating for The Hilton Landmark Project Plainview that will be revealed on Friday, July 25, 2014 at Plainview's KCBD Community Coverage Tour, ARTWALK PLAINVIEW, and CHALK Walk Art Contest all in downtown Plainview...5-11 pm.
Posted at 04:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
It is so great to see new businesses opening in Plainview. Sumthin' new is always exciting. We can even have somethin' old like The Donut Shop, home of the square donut, to go pretty much viral after being here in Plainview for years. If you haven't waited in the 24th Street line for warm, fresh donuts in the late evening, wee morning hours ... well, you should check it out.
We need to support all of our small businesses. Have a wonderful weekend. Shop & Eat in Plainview!
Posted at 02:48 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
So many exciting things are going on in Plainview it is hard not to hop around and scream...WAY TO GO PEOPLE WHO LOVE PLAINVIEW!!!
The grand Granada is one thing great that Darryl Holland, his board, and many workers are doing for Plainview. Renovating old landmark buildings is tedious work but, so worth it when you get to the end result.
The twin is becoming one again. Can't you just feel the mood returning? Get ready for their Labor Day concert series. Follow the Granada news here: Granada Theater . Plainview
Posted at 04:48 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)