Let's Make a Deal. Many of us remember this classic TV show. You know, the one where you dress up to get attention hoping you get picked and then are asked to select Door number 1, 2, or 3. Then the the host builds your hope with the door option selection process. You want to go with your gut feeling but that pretty girl is waving her arms up and down in front of one door, a camera is zooming in on another door, and distractions are everywhere. You just want to win the big prize and not get the ZONK!

I have decided that life is like this sometimes. We have these options and there are distractions that attempt to pull us from our vision/goal when all we need to do is go with our gut feeling and do what is right, honorable, & encouraging. We will find that behind Doors 1,2, and 3 there may be a big prize that really doesn't serve the purpose for us or we see a ZONK but we don't let it get us down because we know there are others who can make a ZONK a ZONKCESS, and what if we don't pick a door and totally miss out on something great because we were too distracted to see?