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Posted at 02:04 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 02:59 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
I want to share the key developing organizations, as I see them, in Plainview , Texas. They are diverse but at the same time their goal is Plainview, Texas. Their agendas are unique yet they often overlap to work towards the common goal, Plainview. Inside these organizations/businesses there are visionary leaders, many committees, and volunteers that give countless hours to the purpose of developing, encouraging, and maintaining everything Plainview.
City of Plainview: Explore the Opportunities! They provide a wonderful website filled with information we all need to read! It is a go to site for Plainview!
Plainview/Hale County Industrial Foundation: The purpose of the Plainview/Hale County Industrial Foundation is to promote economic development in Plainview and Hale County.
The Plainview/Hale County Industrial Foundation has been successful in creating over 5000 jobs in less than 15 years. Their success has come as a result of a partnership between the Industrial Foundation, City of Plainview, County of Hale, and the Plainview Chamber of Commerce. The entire community promotes economic development, and that teamwork has been responsible for most of the major industries locating in Plainview and Hale County. The Foundation is financed by memberships of local businesses and through contracts for economic development services from the City of Plainview and Hale County.
Plainview Chamber of Commerce: Although the purpose of the Plainview Chamber of Commerce is to promote and assist in growth for members of the Plainview business community the Plainview Chamber of Commerce is the go to for community information in Plainview, Texas. The PCoC is financed by memberships of local businesses. Follow them on Facebook here: Chamber
Plainview First: Plainview First, also known as the Coordinating Board of Economic Development, consists of eight members appointed by the City Council and Mayor. It also consists of the following economic development partners: Wayland Baptist University, South Plains College, Covenant Hospital Plainview, Plainview / Hale County Industrial Foundation, Hale County, Plainview Chamber of Commerce, Plainview Independent School District, Ports to Plains and the City of Plainview.
The diversity of participants and organizations they represent, create a unique coalition that works together to bring industry, retail, and tourism to Plainview. Plainview First’s primary focus is to enhance economic development efforts through the coordination of local economic development partners and their committees.
Main Street/Convention & Visitor Bureau: Two separate divisions with similar purposes that collaborate to increase the quality of life in Plainview. Main Street's efforts include:
Vision: The Plainview Main Street Program envisions a historically preserved downtown area where citizens and visitors can come to Plainview to enjoy West Texas hospitality while dining, shopping, living, experiencing the arts, entertainment and special events.
Mission: The Plainview Main Street Program will utilizing the Four-Point committee approach; organization, economic restructuring, design & promotion along with the combined efforts of public/private partnership will revitalize and encourage reinvestment; enhance cultural diversity of the area; preserve the historic integrity of the historic Main Street District; develop tourism and recruit & retain businesses in order to provide a solid economic base for Plainview.
Plainview Downtown Association: I see this group as the support link for promoting downtown Plainview.
If you have ideas or suggestions they are open to listening!!!
Love me some Plainview!!!
Posted at 07:54 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Speaking of the restoration of downtown Plainview ... there is a new website created by Blair & Gayle Willson that you will want to bookmark! Let's get off our stools & make it happen!
Follow this link: Plainview Restoration
Posted at 04:15 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
It is Christmas Day and we wish you a very Merry Christmas! I hope you took the opportunity to give to the helping organization of your choice this season. On that note, the Plainview Salvation Army will be moving to its new location. Look for exciting changes for them in the weeks & months ahead.
Posted at 09:30 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, in keeping with the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus, To Timothy, my dear son: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 1Timothy 1:1-7
We are torch bearers. When I see the stained glass torch on the campus of Wayland Baptist University I am reminded that each of us, who are followers of Christ, have been called to be torch bearers...to light the way, to pass the flame.
As a teen we sang the song, Pass it On.
When our children were born the TV stations signed off at midnight. There were no mobile phones to watch either. So, if I was up with our children during the wee hours I sang to them as we rocked. Pass It On was one song they heard many, many times! This may be the source of all of their issues, not the songs themselves, but my singing...since I don't sing well! Honestly, as I look back on raising our children, these moments I treasure as my favorite ones, rocking, holding, and praising God through song. He holds me close as his child each day as I travel through valleys. One day I will be on that heavenly mountaintop!!!
I found this next video interesting in that everything IS passed on. We determine what we pass to others, as well.
What is our torch?
Posted at 10:55 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
We still have time to give to make a difference. Our local Salvation Army is on the streets just praying we will give. If everyone gives a little they can help many. I personally know that the SA does make a difference in lives.
Christmas IS about giving so...wherever you are, GIVE, for others to find joy this Christmas! We will be blessed and find joy in our hearts when we give!
Merry Christmas and a big thank you to all of our organizations that have brought a smile to the faces of our community!!!
Posted at 02:35 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)