When we think about Plainview we think about what people think we are...flat, no trees, windy, dirty, poor, yada-yada-yada. I have lived in Plainview for 56 of my 58 years. Two years we lived in Lubbock while Clinton finished up at Texas Tech. I can tell you without a doubt that I prefer Plainview.
We are not flat...we live on the Running Water Draw and we are anything but flat. We have no trees, you say. Well, we have tons of trees. Just enough trees to enjoy the beautiful sky. Windy, why yes, we do have wind and sometimes it carries dirt. Mostly though it cools the day in a perfect way. Poor, we might be a "poor" community but we are rich in so many ways.
We, like so many places have had a drought time but I do believe in who we are as a people. I believe we live the American Dream. If we really believe the grass is greener somewhere else I think we soon discover it has weeds, needs to be mowed, and watered just like anywhere God leads us to reside.
Let's make our personal windmills water Plainview!